Embracing Your Roots to Reach Your Calling

Understanding Your True Calling

When we talk about a 'calling', we mean that deep, often unspoken drive that pushes you towards a certain path in life. It's that thing that you feel you're meant to do, even if it seems out of reach. For many of us, the idea of following our calling is daunting. It feels like standing at the edge of a forest, knowing you need to go through it, but not knowing what you'll face on the way.

It's normal to feel scared. But here's a secret: the most successful people you know, the ones who seem to have it all figured out, they've been where you are now. They’ve felt that fear. And they've moved forward anyway.

To begin answering your calling, you must first understand what it is. Ask yourself what brings you joy, what activities make you lose track of time, and where you find your peace. These are the signs of your true calling, pointing you towards your path.

The Role of Grounding in Personal Growth

Now, let's talk about grounding. Grounding means building a strong foundation for yourself – emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even physically. Just like a tree with deep roots can withstand the strongest storms, a person who is grounded can face life's challenges without getting knocked over.

Facing your shadows means confronting the parts of yourself that you're not proud of, the parts you might be afraid to show the world. These shadows can be your fears, insecurities, or past mistakes. But they are also your roots. By facing them, you acknowledge them, learn from them, and use them to grow stronger.

Here's how you can start grounding yourself:

  1. Connect with nature: Spend time outside. Feel the grass under your feet, listen to the leaves rustling in the wind, and breathe in the fresh air.

  2. Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes every day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Let your thoughts come and go without judgment.

  3. Journal your thoughts: Write down your fears and insecurities. Seeing them on paper can make them less daunting and easier to understand.

Taking the First Steps Towards Your Dreams

Now that you've started to understand your calling and are learning to ground yourself, it's time to take action towards your dreams. This doesn't mean you have to make a huge leap right away. Small, consistent steps are often more powerful.

Think about the tallest trees. They didn't shoot up overnight. They grew slowly, day by day, year by year. Your journey will be the same. Here are some actions you can take:

  1. Set small goals: Break down your calling into smaller, manageable goals. If you want to become a writer, start by writing a few paragraphs each day.

  2. Seek inspiration: Surround yourself with people and stories that inspire you. This will keep your motivation high.

  3. Educate yourself: Learn everything you can about your calling. Knowledge is a powerful tool that can help you on your journey.

Remember, your dreams don't start in the sky, out of reach. They start in the deep, dark soil of your current reality. Plant your dreams like seeds in this soil. Nurture them with your actions and let them grow strong and tall.

Embrace Your Journey

Answering your highest calling is a journey that begins with you right now, as you are, standing on the rich soil of potential. It's okay to be afraid of the shadows, but don't let that fear stop you from moving forward. Embrace the shadows, for they are part of who you are, and they will be the strength of your roots.

By grounding yourself, setting small goals, and taking consistent steps towards your dreams, you will find that what once seemed impossible becomes part of your reality. You are capable of great things. All you need to do is start.

© 2023 Earth-Intranet by Shamala Tan


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