Eris: Championing Underdogs Everywhere

The new covid variant has been nicknamed Eris, so i thought it would be interesting to explore the meaning of Eris, which is the name of a goddess

Eris might seem like a goddess of trouble, but there's more to her than that. Her stories are filled with lessons. Eris wants everyone to know that even if you feel small or left out, you can make a big difference.

The Golden Apple: More Than Just a Fruit
Once upon a time, there was a grand party, but Eris wasn't on the guest list. Feeling left out, she decided to make a statement. She tossed a shiny golden apple into the party. This wasn't just any apple. It had the words "To the Fairest" written on it.

Three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, saw the apple. Each one felt they deserved it. This small act by Eris led to a massive event: a great war known as the Trojan War. Through this story, Eris teaches us something special. Even when people ignore you or push you aside, you can still make waves and show your worth.

Eris’s Circle: Family and Mischief
Eris comes from a unique family. Her relatives include Night and Sleep. They all have different roles and powers. They remind us of a simple truth: everyone is special in their way. It's okay to stand out or be different. In fact, Eris shows us that sometimes, being different can lead to big things. It might cause a little mischief, but it can also start important conversations.

Modern-Day Eris: Symbols and Stories
Today, Eris is more than just a story from old times. People still talk about her. Some even follow a playful religion based on her tales. And way out in space, there's a dwarf planet named after her.

Eris's spirit lives on. She inspires everyone, especially those who feel like underdogs. When life gets tough, Eris reminds us to stand tall, be brave, and make our voices heard.

Eris, the goddess of discord, is also a beacon of hope for underdogs. Her tales remind us that each person has power and worth. Whether you're feeling small, left out, or different, remember Eris's lesson: Believe in yourself, shake things up, and let your unique light shine.


© 2023 Earth Intranet by Shamala Tan
This article is written out of interest and for entertainment, and may not be 100% accurate. Please feel free to do your research on the goddess Eris. 


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