Navigating the Upcoming Mercury Retrograde: A Handy Guide

Mercury Retrogrades from now to the end of 2023: From August 23 to September 14. From December 13 to January 1, 2024.

The Mercury retrograde is a frequently discussed, often misunderstood, and sometimes dreaded astrological event. But with understanding and the right approach, it can be navigated smoothly. In this guide, we'll unravel the upcoming Mercury retrograde and offer tips to make the most of its influence.

The Basics of Mercury Retrograde

Before diving into tips and strategies, it's essential to grasp what happens during a Mercury retrograde.

  • What is it? When Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky, it’s called a Mercury retrograde. It's an optical illusion caused by the differing orbital speeds of Earth and Mercury. Astrologically, this backward motion symbolizes a time of introspection and reflection.

  • Frequency: Mercury goes retrograde approximately three times a year, and each period lasts about three weeks.

  • Areas of Influence: Mercury governs...

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