The Healing Power of Nature: Part 3 - The Stark Reality of Nature Deprivation

Delving into the Consequences of Our Estrangement from Nature

As we've celebrated the wonders of nature and its integral role in fostering community and stewardship, it's crucial to confront a shadowy counterpart: our growing estrangement from the natural world. This third instalment delves into the alarming consequences of nature deprivation, revealing its multi-faceted impacts on our health, societal bonds, and very essence. Journey with us as we uncover the challenges and emphasize the urgency to rekindle our innate connection with nature

6. Nature Deprivation: Understanding the Costs

Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods introduces us to 'Nature Deprivation', emphasizing society’s growing detachment from nature and its implications.

Physical Health Repercussions:

Sedentary Lifestyles: Constricted urban settings may promote a sedentary life, leading to lifestyle ailments like obesity and diabetes.
Poor Air Quality: Extended indoor time exposes us to indoor...

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